April 20, “leave a path others can safely follow”

Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Hebrews 6:12

The Scriptures call us to imitate both those faithful servants of God who have gone before us, and those faithful servants who remain with us.  Does this not infer then, that your Christian faith can and should be transferable to others as an example for how others should seek after Jesus?  

Who is imitating you?   And what are you transmitting?

In an Essay by C. S. Lewi titled, “On the transmission of Christianity,” he commented “as they come to be so they will teach.”  Lewis referred to the education system of his homeland and his present day wherein the state controlled the education curriculum.  But he argued that this was no real obstacle, for if a secular teaching plan prohibited a Christian curriculum, the Christian teacher will nonetheless transmit his or her Christian faith.  His obvious point reminds us that that nothing stops one from being what and who he or she is at their very core.  He also argued that genuine Christian adults today guarantee that “the children of tomorrow will receive a Christian education.”  One cannot help but transmit that which is truly in themselves.  

I share this essay topic to encourage you to keep two constants in your life.  First, keep your spiritual growth constant.  Never tire of growing in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ every day.  Second, keep your contact with people constant.  Continue to make yourself available to others.  With these two simple constants, others will know the Christ you serve, and your influence will have an indelible impact.  The Bible teaches us this truth.  You will indeed transmit what is truly in you.  

Paul saw in Timothy a faith that was not inexplicable (2 Timothy 1:5): “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.” This teaches us that our faith in Christ matters to others, especially those of our own household.  

Paul wrote to the first century church in Rome (Romans 12:2), “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”  The duty of every follower of Jesus is to seek God’s way over their own, and thus to prove what is of God.  The Greek meaning behind our English term “prove” indicates “to demonstrate, show, reveal, or approve something.”   Our lives are to constantly and outwardly demonstrate our faith.  Our passion for Jesus will indeed become obvious to others.  Christians are therefore described as being transformed in our minds (changed in our way of doing life) so that our faith becomes proven. 

Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  No one lights a candle or lamp only to have it covered up, but rather to have it placed very conspicuously to give light to all who need light.  Christians are not to hide their light (the life transforming impact of the truth of Jesus), but rather to hold it forth before men.  Others will then see what a life the disciple of Jesus leads, and in seeing this will glorify God for redeeming a sinful person, thus being reminded that the way of Christ is open for them as well. 

So today, recommit to these two simple constants:  seek to grow in your relationship with Jesus daily, and keep yourself connected with those around you.  Your faith will become evident.  And, as people are touched by your witness, speak a good word of the Gospel of Jesus into their lives.  Tell others about the faith that is in you.  Your witness will require a word spoken at some point, but the lifestyle of a true believer speaks loudly so that his of her words come forth fully supported by what others have already seen.  It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching (Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi). 



Read Matthew 5:1-48 and be reminded of your intended life of influence. 



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