September 30, Simply follow Him (Part 4)

John 1:47-50

Follow the narrative of the conversation between Jesus and Nathaniel: 

47 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, He said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”

48 “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked.

Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”

49 Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”

50 Jesus said, “You believebecause I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.”

I love the fact that Jesus calls us as we are, and as He presently sees us.  Just ask Nathaniel.  

Authentically following Jesus requires coming as you are. We follow Jesus in complete surrender. The course of our life changes. But remember: our following Him is based on who He is and not on who we are or what we try to make of ourselves.  So, as we see Him for who He is, we come to Him just as we are, and we follow Him.  This is when change and growth begins to take shape in our lives.  We are not changed if we only observe Jesus from a distance with the hopes of becoming a better person.  We must come after Him.  We must follow.  

Jesus declared to Nathaniel, I know who you are.  (I saw you under the fig tree.)  Jesus sees us for who we really are, and the amazing fact is that He still calls us to come after Him.  Our response?  Be like Nathaniel.  Come vulnerably and transparently to Jesus.  

We do not come to Jesus to follow Him after we are spiritually fit. We do not say “yes” after we have placed our lives in order.  (Because we never truly can fix things on our own.)   We come to Him just as we are.  

Isaiah 1:18 gives record of God presenting to His people an invitation to come:  

“Come let us reason together; though your sins be like crimson, they will be washed white as snow.”  

Notice that God invited Israel to come to Him from a life of sin.  God’s invitation is always that we come to Him from within our present situation and condition – just as we are.  Following Jesus begins this way. Following Him does not begin when we hide our sins, or when we come to Him hoping to impress Him. Jesus sees us under the “fig tree” of our life, and beckons that we come.  

Today, follower of Christ, realize that when Jesus first called you, He saw you just as you are, but also saw what you would become as you remain in Him.  So, take a moment to review your life of following Him. Have you forgotten where you came from?  Do you realize He is presently performing His perfect will and pleasure in you?  Take heart today.  Don’t be discouraged.  Trust Him. And continue following.  He is doing something masterful in you.




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May God Bless You Today