November 15, Come rest!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 28:30

What an amazing invitation!    

Today, I offer two considerations from this well-known verse.  (I am sure you will likely see some of yourself in these considerations).  Tomorrow I will help you to see the challenge Jesus intended, and the amazing and necessary result of such a challenge.  So, stay tuned. 

Can you relate? 

In a 2012 “Stress in American” study, The American Psychological Association reported that one-half of Americans know how to anticipate the development of stress, but within that percentage only half know how to prevent stress.  Doctors, psychologists, and even nutritionists and physical trainers have developed plans for coping and managing stress.  Yet, many individuals remain unsuccessful at avoiding stress.

One of the many times Jesus addressed the symptoms of this fallen world was when He invited us to know His rest despite the stress of life: “come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Another translation interprets Jesus’ words as, “come to me all who are heavy- laden.”  Heavy-laden.  Bent low under the weight.  Loaded down with burdens.  

This is not at all what Jesus desires for you or me.  This is not what living under His rule and reign should feel like.  But, sadly, this becomes the experience for many followers of Jesus. So, if stress tends to get the best of you, or if you cannot seem to drop that heavy load, look closely at Jesus’ invitation for your life.

 First, Consider this invitation from Jesus: come to me.  

Jesus used this particular term, “come”, some twelve times in the Gospels.  And without exception, each usage expresses, “come and receive.”  This indicates that what is being offered can only be found in the one extending the invitation.  Jesus has invited each of us to receive something that is not possible to have without Him.  In the prior verse (v. 27), Jesus stated that no one can know Him unless He chooses to make Himself known.  Then, in verse 28, Jesus reveals one way He chooses to make Himself known: through carrying our burdens.  What an amazing revelation of the Son of God.  And, how personal this revelation becomes for you and me.  His invitation stands as real and personal for you at this very moment.  He invites you to come to Him by faith with your burdens. With your stress. 

Second, consider the recipients aimed at with this life-changing invitation

 First, Jesus called “all who are weary.”  This indicates one who is tired and exhausted, or labored-out.  But in the present context, this laboring is tied to grief and worries.  The term, “weary” is actually in a verb form, meaning one who works up to a place of weariness because of life’s discouragements and challenges.Second, Jesus called “all who are burdened.” Jesus used this term in only one other place in the New Testament: “woe to you experts of the law, you lay burdens on men, and then you do not lift one finger to fulfill these burdens yourselves.” (Luke 11:46) The literal word picture of “burdened” intended by our Lord indicates something from the outside of your life (often times something you cannot control) being pressed in upon you.  

Personal Application

Weary and heavy laden. Jesus emphasized the reality of our often-experienced stress, and He offered rest. REST. Jesus said come. Bring me your weariness and the burdens that tire you (emotionally and physically), and I will take what you bring me in exchange for my supernatural soul rest. Now how is that for a swap. What are you carrying at this moment that you need to hand to Jesus by faith? What sweet rest are you missing in your soul because you have not dropped your burden?

Don’t just say you are laying the burdens down. That does absolutely no good. Literally hand the burdens to Him. And, this happens by faith as you daily surrender life’s weightiness to Him in sincere prayer. So, what are you waiting on? Start right now. Offer this prayer to God:

“Father God, I admit that my burdens make me miserable because I am attempting this on my own. I find it difficult at times to release my burdens to you, and my faith grows weary. Teach me afresh and anew how to walk with you meaningfully every day. Teach me how to be yoked with you, your love, and your truths. Help me to abide in you. Grow my faith to do this, in Jesus name, Amen.” 

Now, having prayed, list your burdens. Write them out. Allow your eyes to see what your heart has carried for so long. Scribe out the burden and offer that burden to Jesus. He longs for you to give Him the weight of your life. Release the burden. And, walk forward free. 




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May God Bless You Today