March 29, Do not Give Up


“Let us not grow weary in doing good.”

Galatians 6:9

“We are all very apt to tire in our Christian duties. This we should carefully watch and guard against.” (Matthew Henry)

     Considering the context of the above verse (Galatians 6:7-8), there are two types of behavior patterns and two choices at this very moment for how one should live: the way of man’s flesh – the carnal nature, or the way of the Holy Spirit of God living in you. 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

The former lives by sinful inclinations, and the latter by faith in Jesus Christ.   Each has their own reward:  the first reaps corruption, and the second eternal life.  So herein this grand contrast of life, we are encouraged not to grow tired in doing good.  And the good spoken of is the life that “sows to please the Spirit of God” – living to honor God’s presence in our lives.  

    Paul understood that doing good in a perverse world was indeed a moment-by-moment challenge.   Those who are truly resolute in living for Jesus understand the dynamic contrast and the fierce struggle between the flesh and the Spirit.  Therefore, the encouragement suitable for the one who truly desires to honor God is, “do not grow weary in doing good.”  

     But sometimes the Christian does indeed grow weary. The Greek terminology expresses an “inward weariness” from being negatively influenced.  The obvious application intended describes one who falls to weariness in soul and spirit because of the outward pressures that come against one’s life of faith.  The person of faith can become disheartened and tempted to give up, even if for a moment, because of the worldly pressures that come against the soul’s pursuit of God’s purpose in Christ. Disastrous results occur when even for a moment one disregards faith and lives out the whims of the flesh.  This very point should alarm every child of God and set us tirelessly on the path of truly seeking after the heart of Jesus in every part of our lives.  We cannot for a moment succumb to the weariness of the soul.  We must remain refreshed in the Spirit so that we represent the light of the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6).  

       The exhortation to not be weary becomes reinforced with an incredible promise from God’s own irrefutable law of sowing and reaping:  

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)

While one cannot fully ascertain how God will indeed bring a harvest of blessings (in this life, in the next, or perhaps in both), the reassured heart of faith springs to new life when remembering how absolute and perfect the blessings of God are for His children.  And the very nature of God substantiates the promise.  How is that not enough, even for one on the brink of giving up?

      So today, do not give up.  No matter the struggle or the temptation to say, “enough,” do not grow weary.  But do good according to the Spirit of Christ in you.  And when weariness does come, remember the promises of God, and stay the course.  

     Today, be reinvigorated by the truth and Spirit of God’s Word.  And as you overcome weariness, turn around and be of great help to the person near you who is struggling.  Let’s persist in the faith and help those who feel they cannot.   




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