March 22, Filled

“Do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is, and do not get drunk with wine. . . but be filled with the Spirit.”

Ephesians 5:17-18

If I were to reach for two very basic disciplines in moments of extreme challenges and unimaginable adjustments, those disciplines would be (1) to discern God moments, and (2) to closely follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  

Paul urged the first century Christians to use every moment wisely by understanding the will of God (v. 17). In essence, Paul encouraged “God moments.” 

The understanding of God’s will references the previous verses and the instruction for Christian behavior and lifestyle (the Christ-centered morality and ethics that demonstrates one’s walk of faith).   Such “right behavior” builds upon a covenant relationship with God through Jesus and a walk of discipleship after the example of Christ.  We must understand our call as followers of Jesus to walk in His way.  This represents Paul’s focus upon “the will of God.”  

While many struggle to know where present days may lead and how to truly understand God’s grand will, each follower of Jesus must face the question, “what is God’s will for my life at this very moment – how can I respond to the present situation in the manner of one who truly follows the heart of Christ?”  

When your focus on God’s will becomes this personal and practical, you will then begin to see opportunities.  You will begin to see doors open to demonstrate love, peace, kindness, and a good word about the truth of Jesus. Align your heart, attitudes, and actions after God’s nature and Christ’s example, and you will see an unbelievable tide of “God moments” presently moving into your life.  Embrace such moments for the glory of God.  

     Paul also urged his fellow believers in Ephesus to “be filled with the Spirit.” This indicates one who truly desires the be controlled by the spirit of God.  The contrast of being controlled externally (as in Paul’s day, drunkenness represented one of many potential vices in life) signifies one living under the divine control and influence of God’s Holy Spirit.  There are many external controls tempting us as relentless taskmasters: fear, dread, greed, selfishness, boredom, apathy, anger, or carelessness.  There are many other external controls that threaten to damage our lifestyles with dangerous and sinful alternative plans and priorities.  The same was so in Paul’s day. This is why God instructed, be filled (controlled) by the loving and powerful influence of the Holy Spirit.  Although an imperative (command), “be filled,” the emphasis is passive, meaning “receive the control of the Holy Spirit.”  Or better, surrender to God’s influence through His Holy Spirit in you.  Obey the promptings of the Spirit.  These promptings are real.  Yet, sometimes we just cannot spiritually hear.  To better hear those promptings, develop the hearing of a follower of Jesus. Spend regular time in prayer and reading God’s Word.  Listen to the anointed teachings of trusted leaders and mentors.  Open your spiritual ears and listen to God’s truth speaking into your heart.

     So, two disciplines to reach for in these uncertain times:  Align yourself practically with God’s way in behavior and conduct so that you will know the God-moments when they come.  And, listen carefully and regularly to God’s truth so that your heart stays surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s promptings.  Understand God’s will!  Be filled with the Spirit.  

    Wow!  In this way, the circumstances around you are no distraction nor disruption to your faith in Christ.  Step into this day excited that you are not restricted nor hindered.  You can make a difference.  



Read Ephesians 4:17-5:18 and be blessed as you live according to the truth of Christ.  



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