February 26, expect…

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

How can we better depend upon God’s power in our lives? Consider 2 simple reminders from the above verse.

     First, we must reconcile our expectations with God’s ability and not our own. “To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we think or imagine.”  William Carey once said, “attempt great things for God, expect great things from God.  This type of expectation does not attempt to impose upon God one’s personal desires (for that would be dangerous), but rather stands as a measure of personal faith that matches the measure of capability in God’s power.  When you and I develop divine expectations, we are freed from shallow praying, superficial statements of faith, and guarded mission and ministry endeavors. 

But sometimes we unwittingly limit God’s work in our lives because we refuse to look beyond our own limitations to His power.  Moses was tempted to write himself off with, “I am not eloquent.”  And Timothy struggled with his youthful age and inexperience. But God used many seemingly weak and limited people in mighty ways for His purpose, and He desires to use you far beyond what you could ever hope or imagine.  Do not write yourself off, and do not give up on God.  Expect great things from God as you attempt great things for Him.   

     Second, center your whole identity upon the saving work of Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit.  “According to the power that is at work within us.” Kevin Myers writes, “God does not loan you His power to fulfill your purpose; God gives you Himself to fulfill His purpose.” He does this through His Holy Spirit within you.  Paul wrote to His friends and co-laborers in Ephesus concerning two significant points of the Christian life: 

 “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.”

(Ephesians 1:13)

I pray that the eyes of your heart will be opened to know the hope of His calling, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.” 

(Ephesians 1:18-19)

We must heed what was shared with the first century Christians, and we must center our lives upon the truth of our salvation and the reality of the Holy Spirit within us. Only through faith in Jesus can one truly have a power that transcends the limitations of this life – the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

      In 2011, a church I pastored in Texas provided arm bands for the athletic department of the local high school. The arm band was inscribed with Philippians 4:13, followed by the inscription, “All things.”  As team pastor of the football program, I was blessed to witness each member of the team wear these arm bands in all practices and Friday Night games (recognizing God’s promise, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”) Years later, I met a former member of the football program who was still wearing his “all things” bracelet as a scriptural encouragement.  I am so grateful that God’s promise of strength becomes a reality every single day. And I am grateful many in that program carried the promise of God’s strength on into life through faith in Christ.  

We must trust and fully depend upon the power of Jesus in our lives.  In Acts 4:13, the Bible portrays how the crowd saw the normal lives of Peter and John: “they saw their courage and realized they were ordinary men and were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus.”   Oh, how marvelous the testimony of ordinary humans when Jesus Christ is the obvious power and strength.  

    So today, at this moment, take a quick life assessment. Do you expect God to do great things in your life?  Does your faith center upon the saving work Jesus has accomplished for you, and the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of you?  

     May the proclamation, “Now to Him who is able,” be the perpetual anthem of our souls, and the approach we take in life every single day.  To Him be the glory forever. 



Read Ephesians 3:14-21 and be encouraged by the power of Christ in you.  



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