You will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow. Isaiah 62:2

Consider the following familiar scene. The wedding has concluded, and the wedding party and guest are invited to enjoy a festive wedding reception. As the reception opens, introductions are made (announcing the wedding party, as well as family members and friends). Climatically, these introductions are followed by the announcement of the bridegroom and the bride. Many times, this introduction begins with, “I am happy to introduce for the first time publically, Mr. and Mrs.” – and, then the last name of the groom is stated. Wow! She has taken his name. What an amazing demonstration of commitment all too often undervalued as mere tradition. But, this “taking of another’s name” represents such a significant sign of lasting devotion and commitment. This also indicates a new status. Wow! A new name! She is highly valued and honored, for he has chosen to give his name to her. He is likewise honored, for she has taken his name. What a powerful expression of commitment.
Now, let’s consider a necessary spiritual application for the new name given to every follower of Jesus. In the Bible, there are many verses wherein God pronounces a new name for His people. One example is found in Isaiah 62:2. This new name indicated a new status. Later in Isaiah 62, the name that God gave His people was defined by the actual Hebrew name, “Hephzibah,” meaning “my delight is in her” (accompanied by the name “Beulah,” meaning married).
Why this new name? God’s people thought that they had been forsaken because of the desolation that had come as a result of their sinfulness. But God brought restoration and performed such a new work in their lives spiritually that this work deserved a new name. The status of God’s people moved from ruined to restored. And, this all came about because of God’s love.
If your faith is in Jesus Christ, you have been brought from ruined to restored. God has given you a new name in the sense that He has given you a new status. You no longer wear the name “defeated,” or “sinner.” You are no longer identified by the moniker, “broken,” or “forsaken.” God has restored you. This is why Jesus came. In Revelation 2:17, John gave the imagery of a white stone upon which a new name is inscribed. This new name represents the name of the one who belongs to God through Jesus Christ.
A new name! This represents a new status and a new identity of God’s complete redemption.
I was called Ken or Kenneth when I was born; you know me by this name, and I will likely be called this until I die. But in Heaven, I was given a new name when Jesus saved me. This indicated that my status moved from lost and condemned to saved and redeemed. If Jesus Christ is your personal Savior and Lord, then in the symbolism of this truth you have been given a new name.
As you prepare to enter into a new year, do you see life through the meaning of your new name? You are His. He delights in you. Remove yourself from the spotlight of your own life and see what He has done in giving you His name: your new name, child of God.
So today, live in the reality of your new name. You are indeed His.
Today, read Isaiah 62:1-12 and be encouraged at your new name.