December 22, Return to the manger!

Let’s go the Bethlehem and see what has happened, which the Lord has told us about. Luke 2:15

Each Advent Season offers an opportunity to revisit the manger.  This becomes a reality through our eyes of faith.  Man’s attempt to recreate the manger through dramatic and artistic expression cannot come close to looking upon the Holy Christ Child through faith. 

How can you genuinely view the sacred nativity through eyes of faith? Follow the pattern of responsiveness throughout the Nativity of our Lord.      

  • The shepherds came and found Mary, Joseph, and the baby. They followed the Heavenly announcement and found the Christ child.  This represents the heart of faith: taking God at His word.  
  • The shepherds obeyed the message they received, just as both Mary and Joseph obeyed from within their own encounter with God.  This represents personal faith:  taking God at His Word in the midst of our present circumstance.  
  • The Shepherds responded by going and telling, and then returning and worshipping.  Mary responded by treasuring and pondering the entire event deep in her heart.  This represents the activity of faith: responding in body and soul to the truth experienced. 

When we revisit the manger, we see a significant picture of faith in Jesus Christ.  The heart of faith comes before Jesus in worship. The personal expression of faith prompts obedience to Jesus and His Lordship over our lives.  The activity of faith encourages our physical response through going, serving, and telling of Jesus; this response involves our heart’s devotion and love for Jesus.

The shepherds experienced the Christ and their feet began moving as their mouths began speaking.  Mary experienced the Christ, and oh how her soul was transformed that night as she treasured (held dear) and pondered (meditated upon) the truth of Jesus.

Do you need to revisit the manger?  Do you need this time of year to strengthen your faith?  Come before your Savior and in humble adoration adore Him.  

This is faith.  This is life.  This is Christmas.    


Today, read Luke 2:1-20 and revisit the Manger of our Lord.  



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May God Bless You Today