October 5, Do not withhold good!

Do not withhold good.” Proverbs 3:27

Be ready for every good work.  Stay in a spirit of generosity. Do not overlook those right in front of you who are in need of your kindness and benevolence.  

Observe the precious precepts of Christ and follow His example of life and love.  Allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit to control the condition and attitude of your heart.  Be loving, patient, joyful toward others, maintaining peace, kind and good, gentle in your demeanor, in faithfulness with self-control over attitudes and words not acceptable.  

Avoid strife and descension.  Do not place your objects, plans, and ideals before the importance of the person right in front of you.   Do not despise those who despise you.  Love those in contention with you.  Care for all others.  Allow your words and actions to abound with grace and mercy.  

Speak truth in love.  Confront for the purpose of restoring one to a good standing from their faults.  Seek to correct when error abounds, but with the very love of Christ Himself.  

Always do good to others. Always.  As much as it depends upon you. When it is in your power.  Whenever it is in your means.  And as you have opportunity, flood the lives of others with the goodness God has created within you.   

Do not deny the good.  This strong exhortative edge to the above verse cautions against ignoring such opportunities as we may regularly have to impart some goodness (big or small) into the life of another. Thoughtlessness and carelessness toward those in need become a judgement against the child of God when we are actually capable of imparting good.  

So, do not withhold good.  Do not withhold love.  Do not turn in to self and avoid expressing the love of Christ and His acceptance and grace.  Do good.  

You are a steward of the good imparted to you.  Realize the ongoing ministry to impart goodness to others, whatever that act of goodness may be as instructed by the Spirit of Christ over your life.  

Practice the law of Christ and carry the burden of another (Galatians 6:2).  

As much as it depends upon you, be a peace with all others (Romans 12:18).  

Love you enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5:44).   

Go the second mile in serving with a pure heart (Matthew 5:41).

Honor all others (I Peter 2:17).

“Do good.”  And, as you do good to others, realize that at that very moment of your act of goodness you have given a glimpse of Jesus Himself.  So today, go ahead.  Do good to others.  And watch as the very hand of God multiplies your goodness to others so that indeed Christ is exalted, the Kingdom of Christ advance, and the life of another blessed forever.




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