September 28, Simply follow Him (part 2)

When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.

John 1:37

As described in the Gospels, there were those who followed John the Baptist as his disciples (and many who continued to hold to his baptism even after his death but were eventually brought to Christ – Acts 19:2-7). At the moment John saw the Christ, he exclaimed, “Behold the lamb of God.”  The intention of John was that his own disciples would leave him and follow Jesus, for this was John’s mission – to point all things and all people to the Messiah.  From this entire episode, there is much we can learn about following Jesus.  

From the story of this great encounter with Jesus, we discover a simple and significant fact about following our Lord:

Following Jesus is about turning and remaining.  

When John’s disciples heard his proclamation about the Christ, they followed Jesus.  The Greek language describes their following with a verb form that expresses completed action. This signifies resolve.  Their resolve was noted in two necessary expressions of following.  They turned from John, and they desired to remain with Jesus: 

Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” Jesus replied, “and you will see.” So, they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon. (John 1:38-39)

We notice a significant demonstration of following that equals all the other responses of the disciples of Christ at the moment of their calling: they turned from their present commitments and remained with Jesus.  Both expressions provide an authentic definition of following.  

The classic scenes of the disciples being called from their fishing nets remind us that following Jesus involves turning from our present commitments as the highest loyalty in our lives.  Added to this comes the principle of remaining with Christ in a pure resolve to follow Him as our highest devotion and commitment.  The two disciples of John were asked by Jesus, “what do you want?”  This could better be understood as asking, “What are you looking for?”  Their response?  You!  Although not spoken verbatim, their actions proved this was the desire of their hearts.  Genuinely following Jesus involves turning from the past with a desire to dwell with and remain with our Lord.  Following Jesus does not merely resonate a willingness to believe, and then all things back to normal.  There is both a turning from and a remaining with. This defines a disciple. This defines one who truly follows Jesus.  

Author Tim Keller offers this thought on following Christ: 

If Jesus is really God, He can’t just be a supplement. We have to come to Him and say, “Okay, Lord, I’m willing to let you start a complete reordering of my life.”

Following Jesus represents one who responds to Him for who He is. And, because of Who He is, we allow Him to reorder our entire lives – making Him the priority in everything.

So today, make certain that you are genuinely following Jesus. This is foundational to everything.  See Him for Who He is, and follow accordingly – “Behold the Lamb of God.” And allow Him to reorder your entire life. When this happens, you will be amazed at how He will guide you daily through the Holy Spirit. Today, resolve that you are truly following Jesus. 




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May God Bless You Today