September 27, Simply follow Him!

The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

John 1:35

At times, there can be confusion about living out one’s faith.  At times, especially after a public profession of faith (like that of public baptism), one can fall to the pressure of performance. In this case, one becomes as active as possible in religious disciplines with the hope of keeping oneself on the right path.  But the Christian life, at the very foundation, represents one who genuinely follows Jesus through a relationship. And often times the simplicity of following Jesus becomes convoluted by the desire for good religious activity. Now, there is nothing wrong with religious activity in and of itself, unless that activity becomes a supplement for following Jesus. Therefore, at times we need to return to the simple meaning of following our Lord. (Please note that “simple” does not in any way imply easy, but only clarity.) 

Consider some very significant facts from the first chapter of John’s Gospel that present a simple understanding of following Jesus.   

First, following Jesus is more about who He is than what you do.  (John 1:35-36)  In verse 35 we come to a third consecutive day of John the Baptist’s preaching wherein he points his followers to Jesus with the phrase, “behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  The idea of “behold” indicates an intense gaze of careful consideration.  The point is that John the Baptist knew without a doubt who Jesus was, and He instructed his own disciples to “behold” the Son of God. For, beholding Jesus –  seeing Him for who He is, will always lead to genuinely following Jesus. 

He alone is the Lamb of God. As the Lamb of God, Jesus brings the opportunity for sin to be forgiven and broken lives to be restored.  This becomes God’s answer to man’s ultimate dilemma.  When we truly realize this, we follow Jesus based on who He is more than simply fulfilling obligations in the name of religion or good expectations. 

Consider two important verses for this discussion from Philippians. Philippians 2:12 exhorts, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Just before this verse, we have one of the greatest summaries about Christ in the New Testament:  “God exalted Him and gave Him a name that is above all names” (Philippians 2:11). So, based on who He is, serve Him.  Based on His exaltedness, work out the salvation He has brought to you – follow Him. 

If you have fallen to mere activity of faith and have lost sight of who it is we follow, take a moment to respond to John the Baptist’s words, and “behold the Lamb of God.” 

Become confident in who Christ is and follow after Him in every area of your life. 

(Continued tomorrow.)




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May God Bless You Today