October 4, Nothing against you

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

“What shall we say to these things?”  The Apostle Paul – referenced some incredible truths with this question.  He had just described in the previous verses the facts about one’s salvation – the life change that comes through Jesus Christ.  Paul then offered, “what else is there to say?” And, he answered this question with a question to prove a powerful and conclusive argument: “if God is for us who can be against us?”  And, does he ever have a point!  So, if you have experienced salvation through Jesus Christ, then the question is posed to you personally: if God is for you (and He is, as proven through Jesus), then who or what could actually be against you?

     From this creative communication of rhetorical questions (so common with Paul’s writings), consider the following 2 absolutes of the Christian faith.  First, God is for you.  He is truly for you.  If He did not withhold His own Son from you, how will He not give you all things necessary for your life of faith (Romans 8:32).  He is for you! Measured by the first fact, the second is just as absolute:  nothing can come against you.  Nothing! Reading to the end of Romans 8 proves this with two lists: the natural things (verse 35) and the cosmic, or supernatural things (verse 38).  This all-inclusive reference proves the simplicity and profoundness of the truth that “nothing comes against you.”   

     Today, perhaps you do not feel the essence of this truth practically. Perhaps today, life seems to cause such truths to feel more theoretical than realized. While this may seem so, please understand that the above statement is everlastingly absolute.  Nothing comes against you.  Better translated, nothing comes against your faith.  Even more deeply translated, nothing comes against the hope that is in you.  

     So, today, Romans 8:31 gives you the reminder of the steadfastness of your faith in Jesus Christ. Because faith in Jesus represents your true identity, nothing comes against you.  In sickness, your faith is untouched.  In epidemics or pandemics, your faith is untouched.  When global crisis sets in, or when there is a momentary struggle with doubt and uncertainty, your faith in Christ remains untouched.  

      While we know that faith grows weak and faith can become challenged, the Bible never measures the quality of faith based on human ability.  Faith is a God-perspective of life and a Christ-centered responsiveness to life.  So, while tumultuous events circle around you, the faith of the soul remains unscathed.  What a promise!  What a joy.  

     So, today, realize God is for you, and nothing comes against you successfully.  Rest in this truth today.  And rejoice



Read all of Romans 8 and be blessed in your faith in Christ.  



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May God Bless You Today